Children all over the world go to school. Do you know how they get there?
Open this book and see how they arrive at their destination!
Children all over the world go to school, no matter where in the world they come from.
In Bhutan, children need to walk three hours to school;
in Pakistan, many children ride tricycles to go to school;
and in Nepal, children have to walk on tightropes to go to school...
Children all over the world, in various special ways, even A dangerous way to go to school.
Going to school every day seems like a normal day, but it is a challenging adventure that
tests your determination to study every time.
Open this book and see how they arrive at their destination!
Children all over the world go to school, no matter where in the world they come from.
In Bhutan, children need to walk three hours to school;
in Pakistan, many children ride tricycles to go to school;
and in Nepal, children have to walk on tightropes to go to school...
Children all over the world, in various special ways, even A dangerous way to go to school.
Going to school every day seems like a normal day, but it is a challenging adventure that
tests your determination to study every time.
This book collects the stories of going to school in 13 countries.
Each story is accompanied by facts about each country, national flags, representative animals and plants, etc., allowing children to see the diverse lifestyles in the world and open up their understanding of the world.
Each story is accompanied by facts about each country, national flags, representative animals and plants, etc., allowing children to see the diverse lifestyles in the world and open up their understanding of the world.
About the author
Baptiste Paul
is from St. Lucia. As a child, he often walked on mountain trails with bare feet or wearing worn-out rubber shoes, which always made his feet hot. He studied hard all the way, and later obtained a double major in environmental studies and political science from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. His first work was "The Field", and "Children of the World Go to School" was written by him and his wife Milan Co-authored by Miranda, this is his second book for children.
is from St. Lucia. As a child, he often walked on mountain trails with bare feet or wearing worn-out rubber shoes, which always made his feet hot. He studied hard all the way, and later obtained a double major in environmental studies and political science from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. His first work was "The Field", and "Children of the World Go to School" was written by him and his wife Milan Co-authored by Miranda, this is his second book for children.
Henry Tu 亨利/在臺灣的玻利維亞YOUTUBER
Iku 老師/在臺灣的日本YOUTUBER
《世界的孩子上學去》不僅有教育意義,而且讓學習不同文化變得更有趣。很少人知道玻利維亞在哪裡或是有什麼東西,所以我很開心能看到這本書介紹了玻利維亞的特色。這本書會讓孩子們想要對世界上的國家有更多的了解。── Henry Tu 亨利/在臺灣的玻利維亞YOUTUBER
巴帝斯德・保羅(Baptiste Paul)
來自聖露西亞,小時候經常光著腳或穿著破舊的膠鞋步行山路,這總是讓他雙腳發燙。一路努力求學,後來取得了賓州巴克內爾大學的環境學與政治學雙學位,他的第一部作品是《足球賽》(The Field),《世界的孩子上學去》是他和妻子米蘭達的共同創作,是他給孩子的第二本書,想進一步認識保羅,請至
米蘭達・保羅(Miranda Paul)
伊莎貝・慕紐(Isabel Muñoz)