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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 兔子多又多
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 兔子多又多
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 兔子多又多

Lots and Lots of Rabbits兔子多又多

ISBN: 9786267295083
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How does David Cary, author of the picture book magician "The Forest Is My Home",
teach children to ask their own questions?
Thinking about important life questions?
Children who can ask questions can find creative answers and become future masters.
Through the problems caused by 210 rabbits, this book inspires children
to break their thinking framework, learn to care for life, and think about new problems!

Zooey and Owen wanted to keep rabbits as pets. They begged their father for a month. Finally, their father compromised and took them to the pet store. They found that rabbits were on sale, 2 rabbits, 1 free. . So they brought two rabbits home, but the number of rabbits unexpectedly increased from 2 to 210. How were they going to solve this thorny problem?
About the Author
Davide Calì
is an Italian picture book writer born in Switzerland. He has a wide range of interests, ranging from comic strips, illustrations, children's books, theater to TV scripts. His many experiences have given him a wealth of touching and bizarre ideas at any time. His stories have a unique sense of humor, sometimes bringing out delicate emotions with a relaxed pace; sometimes deconstructing bizarre stories with funny plots. He has won the IBBY International Youth Literature Award and the French Baobab Prize. He has written nearly one hundred books, translated into more than twenty-five languages. He has published dozens of works in Taiwan, including: "The Forest" It's my home", "Invincible Iron Mother", "I'm Waiting..." and "Tailor-Made Dad" etc. David Cary is currently the artistic director of Book on a Tree, a children's literature agency in London, UK.









大衛卡里(Davide Calì)

  大衛卡里是生於瑞士的義大利繪本作家。他興趣廣泛,從連環漫畫、插圖、童書、劇場到電視劇本都有所涉獵,諸多經歷讓他隨時都有一籮筐打動人心、稀奇古怪的點子。他的故事有獨特的幽默感,時而以輕鬆的節奏帶出細膩情感;時而以風趣劇情解構離奇故事。他曾奪下IBBY國際青少年文學獎、法國猴麵包樹繪本大獎(Baobab Prize),作品將近百本,翻譯成超過二十五國語言,台灣出版的作品就多達數十本,包括:《森林是我家》、《無敵鐵媽媽》、《我等待…》和《量身訂做的爸爸》等。大衛卡里現任英國倫敦兒童文學代理公司Book on a Tree藝術總監。


貝內堤(Emanuele Benetti)

  貝內堤畢業於義大利維洛納大學,就讀廣告圖像暨動靜態圖形藝術學系。不論何時何地,他最喜歡的事情就是畫畫,他擅長以鉛筆作畫,讓生動的圖像躍然紙上。他的創作帶有動畫般的動感,常常在畫中加入出乎意料的彩蛋。他曾獲得多項國際大獎肯定,其中包括波隆納多媒體創作獎(The Children Spectators for Bologna Children's Book Fair)、Lucca Junior 競賽插畫組首獎。他這次和大衛卡里合作,創作《兔子多又多》這本充滿奇思妙想又富有思考價值的繪本。