A Pictorial Series of the Ten Greatest Chinese Literary Classics中國十大古典文學名著

A Pictorial Series of the Ten Greatest Chinese Literary Classics中國十大古典文學名著

ISBN: 9576290384
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The ten Classical works of Chinese literature selected here have spread far and wide in China, known nearly to every Chinese family. These well-known works are also truly essential in the eyes of the critics. The names of these precious tens are: The Dream of the Red Chamber, Journey to the West, Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Romance of the Western Chamber, The Peony Pavilion, The Golden Lotus, The Scholars, The Marshes, Li Sao and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.This high-quality pictorial series shall be worthy of long time collection. Traditional Chinese Characters and English.

中國十大古典文學名著,在中國流傳甚廣,幾乎機家喻戶曉. 同時, 這十部名著又是中華文學的優秀精華. 我國著名作家茅盾(沈雁冰先生) 曾在1962年向中國青年作家推荐說, 如果你立志於寫作, 那就得把這十部文學名著作為你的必修課. 這十大文學名著是: 紅樓夢, 西廂記, 牡丹亭, 金瓶梅, 水滸傳, 三國誌, 西遊記, 離騷, 聊齋誌異, 儒林外史. 由我國當代著名人物畫家將十部名著中的優秀章節或全部故事繪成畫集, 以簡潔的文字, 精美的圖畫, 精湛的設計, 使讀者愛不釋手, 利於珍藏.中英對照, 繁體字.