Easy to understand and interesting story, so baby understand the importance of safety of life from the story, enhance ability to respond usual, everywhere in life, learning wisdom.
Include colorful pictures and large font, with well-recorded story CD, through a lively presentation with sound, let your baby grow up happy learning!
Intimate with each story "Parental small caution" to let Mom and Dad to tell stories and listen to the baby, the baby can also remind each story contains truth.
目錄 Titles:
小松鼠和大灰狼 Squirrel and Wolf
香噴噴的果凍 Delicious Jelly
你推我 我推你 You Push Me and I Puch You
調皮的小花貓 Naughty Kitten
坐車上學去 Take Bus to School
小豬愛洗澡 Take a Bath
小熊醫生 Dr. Bear
會魔法的風婆婆 Wind Granny
迷路的花公雞 Lost
狐狸哥哥和狐狸妹妹Two Little Foxes