Children's Life Experiences/26 books+26CDs 兒童必讀的品德故事

Children's Life Experiences/26 books+26CDs 兒童必讀的品德故事

ISBN: 9789867072061
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This series is the ideal instruction tool in teaching children to deal with their life experiences. Readers will also learn about conduct and creative thinking in order to prepare themselves for life. Topics include patience, honesty courtesy, friendship, self-control, responsibility, gratitude, confidence, manner, and others. Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin.This series is the ideal instruction tool in teaching children to deal with their life experiences. Readers will also learn about conduct and creative thinking in order to prepare themselves for life. Topics include patience, honesty courtesy, friendship, self-control, responsibility, gratitude, confidence, manner, and others. Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin.兒童必讀的品德故事是父母與兒童之間溝通的最佳橋樑, 以迪斯尼的卡通人物帶領孩子學習品德教育與生活規範, 簡單明瞭的字句讓孩子容易閱讀, 26 個精彩故事, 26項學習主題, 26 張快樂學習CD,包含: 分享, 勇敢, 幽默, 誠實, 禮貌, 友愛, 尊重, 關懷, 信用.....等等, 幫助孩子奠定完整的品格基礎.


1小心!艾麗兒─專心 2海底演奏會─原諒 3這是規定─守規矩

4相同的遭遇─誠實 5下午茶的麻煩─尊重 6好大的風─合作

7你做得到!─自信 8決不退縮!─堅持 9我來幫忙!─互助

10甜蜜的成功─分享 11傑克在哪裡?─勇敢 12帽子飛走了!─幽默

13有點麻煩啦!─誠實 14只要說請!─禮貌 15剛好來得及─耐心

16阿奇的新朋友─關懷 17戲劇開演了!─創造力 18亂遭遭的早晨─輪流

19繩子不夠了─大方 20謝謝!糊塗蛋─感謝 21禮物不見了─信任

22一場重要的比賽─友愛 23信守承諾的一天─信用 24綠拇指─謙虛

25準備、開始、投!─風度 26我是這麼想的!─體諒