Chinese Character Games-Making Top-Bottom Combination Puzzle Game(Deluxe Version)中文拼字遊戲/上下組合

Chinese Character Games-Making Top-Bottom Combination Puzzle Game(Deluxe Version)中文拼字遊戲/上下組合

ISBN: 9789620814372
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Chinese Character Puzzle includes two radical sets, The Upper and Lower Combinations and The Left and Right Combinations. The set of The Upper and Lower Combinations includes 144 word cards contains 108 commonly used words to create more than 600 words using upper and lower radical combinations. The set of The Left and Right Combinations contains 138 commonly used words to create more than 1,600 words using left and right radical combinations. Each set includes 6 fan-shaped blank word card holder, 1 manual contains a detailed description of 10 games, Chinese character combinations table and some basic knowledge of Chinese characters. Ages 7 and up. In Traditional Chinese characters.

左右组合: 漢字又叫做「方塊字」,結構奇妙,主要分為左右、上下和內外三大基本組合。根據上述特點,《中文拼字遊戲》選取138個拼合率較高的偏旁和部首,製成字旁拼片 (以塑膠粒製),採用左右形式,可拼出一千六百個以上的漢字。每塊拼片按認字難易度編上分數,透過十種不同的玩法,寓學習於遊戲。
上下组合: 漢字又叫做「方塊字」,結構奇妙,主要分為左右、上下和內外三大基本組合。根據上述特點,《中文拼字遊戲》選取108個拼合率較高的偏旁和部首,製成字旁拼片( 以塑膠粒製,共有144塊拼片,其中塊是空白的,可作百搭用),採取上下組合形式,可拼出六百個以上的漢字。每塊拼片按認字難易度編上分數,透過十種不同的玩法,寓學習於遊戲。
Plastic, Game Piece: 1.25" X 1.25"