China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. With nearly five thousand years of history, today China has the most brilliant and rich ownership of cultural heritage in the world. This Chinese Culture series provides lively illustrations and easy to understand texts that introduce the cultural creations and inventions of China over the past 5,000 years.
內容含:漢字, 琴, 棋, 書, 畫, 詩, 酒, 花, 文房四寶, 自然奇觀, 人文之美, 造紙術, 印刷術, 火藥, 指南針, 天文與曆法, 農耕水利, 治煉, 數學, 中華傳統, 醫學, 飛的幻想, 飛天神話,
初次嘗試, 太空探索, 神舟五號, 飛船.