This series of books was developed to help children learn traditional Chinese myths and legends and understand traditional Chinese culture. These books are beautifully illustrated and immerse children in a world of men, heroes and deities, where suns can be shot by arrows, gods animate the waters, and human beings are crafted out of clay.Simplified Chinese characters.
本套书由美术教育绘本研究课题组主编,中央美院师生及中国优秀画家创作,用精品绘本的形式,重新提炼和光大中国传统文化的精华,将一个美丽的、睿智的、勤劳的、情感深厚的中国,展现给今天的儿童。丛书包含多个系列,内容取材于中华传统文化的方方面面,以最具代表性、最为人们喜闻乐见的素材为蓝本,以浅显易懂的文字加以演绎,好读,好看,好理解;结合流畅、精美、富有情境的绘画,为小读者奉献最优质的精神食粮。 愿你饱览这妙笔丹青,更感受这文字之美、艺术之美,以及文化之美、中华之美。
The Foolish Buying Shoes《愚人买鞋》
Amazing the World with a Single Feat《一鸣惊人》
The Foolish Old Man Moved Mountains《愚公移山》
His spear Against His shield《自相矛盾》
Drawing Legs on a Snake《画蛇添足》
Make up the Number《滥竽充数》
Quench One's Thirst by Looking at Plums《望梅止渴》
The Fox Borrows the tiger's Terror《狐假虎威》
A Snipe and a Clam Locked in a Fight《鹬蚌相争》