A concise history of China from the pre-Qin period to the return of Hong Kong and Macao, complete with visual aids, including charts and photographs, to help track the place in time from each section.
Period before the Opium War of 1840
The Dawn of Chinese History—The Pre-Qin Period
概述 Introduction
中国境内最早的人类 The Earliest Human Beings in China
开天辟地的创世神话 The Great Myth of the Creation of Man in Ancient China
华夏之祖 Ancestors of the Chinese Nation
大禹治水 Yu the Great Harnesses the Flood
武王伐纣 King Wu Attacks King Zhou
周公东征 Duke Zhou's Conquest of the East
春秋五霸 The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period
战国七雄 The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period
大教育家孔子 Confucius,the Great Educator
诸子百家 The "Hundred Schools of Thought" and Their Exponents