This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue in trouble." Dr. Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough to read along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twisting games with his friend Mr. Knox. "Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say.... New socks. Two socks. Whose socks? Sue's socks." But Mr. Fox Socks isn't about to let Knox off so easy. Soon Goo-Goose is choosing to chew chewy gluey blue goo, while tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle (in case you were wondering, that's called a "tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle"). Mr. Knox gets exasperated: "I can't blab such blibber blubber! My tongue isn't made of rubber." But he catches on to the game before it's all through. One of Seuss's best, this must-read-aloud classic is guaranteed to get many giggles out of readers young and old
苏斯博士一开始就提醒读者,只有勇敢的人才能和穿袜子的狐狸一起阅读这个故事。这只狐狸喜欢和他的朋友诺克斯先生玩绕口令游戏。 翻开第一页,苏斯博士提醒大家“慢慢来,这本书很危险!”可是一本书有什么危险的呢?