Horton, is persuaded to sit on an egg while its mother, the good-for-nothing bird lazy Maysie, takes a break. Little does Horton know that Maysie is setting off for a permanent vacation in Palm Springs. He waits, and waits, never leaving his precarious branch, even through a freezing winter and a spring that's punctuated by the insults of his friends. This bilingual version is perfect for family reading. English and Simplified Chinese characters.
本册中,无论是主人公大象霍顿还是配角懒鸟梅吉,还是大森林里的动物群像,乃至在浪尖偶然跃起的一条小鱼,均被赋予了丰富而灵动的面目表情和肢体语言;而云团、树干、树叶、花朵、茅草、浪花甚至山峰,全都随人物的情绪和遭遇而曼妙多姿 ,堪称处处景语皆情语了。比如树木;与霍顿一起忍受着狂风暴雨抽打的树干是瑟缩和颤抖的;而当大象霍顿昂首挺胸、视死如归地面对偷猎者的枪口,他近旁的一棵树连树叶也是耸然直立的;再看本书最后霍顿欣喜回家的画面,所有的树都如葵花向太阳般仰望着大象漫卷欢笑。