Many interesting folk customs and wonderful ancient legends that live deep in the hearts of the people of China are presented in Gifts From Year of Dragon. The book is beautifully illustrated with simple but eye-catching pictures. These wonderful illustrations, from Shandong's traditional Chinese folk art, are full of feeling and convey the author's humor, as well as his best wishes to readers. Gifts From Year of Dragon makes one of the best gifts for the Year of Dragon. Simplified Chinese characters.
剪纸艺术家于平、任凭的经典力作,用独特的创作形式为读者传递中国的传统、民间的习俗、浓浓的年味及剪纸艺术之美。活泼有趣,极富童真,山东快书形式的文字朗朗上口,单纯醒目的构图精美有力. 适时穿插于图画中的人物对话,既补充了故事的完整性,又传达出作者小小的俏皮与诙谐。亲切有趣的民俗,古老美丽的传说,华夏民族的深深烙印,是小读者辞旧迎新的最佳新春礼物书,是肖龙人本命年最贴心的专属礼物书,更是一本适合全家人围坐火炉迎接新年之际共同阅读的礼物书。剪纸艺术、山东快板、龙年节俗、乡里童谣、民间故事无缝对接。节俗里有二月二龙抬头、五月五龙舟竞;故事里有悱恻的母子情、姐弟义、离别苦、相见欢;全书有饱浸岁月沧桑的节俗风情,有至香至浓的新年意味、人间情谊。 附赠贺年卡、藏书票、剪纸卡,读者用以将新年祝福寄至远方,将剪纸艺术收藏书房。Simplified Chinese characters.