Grand Auntie And Smarty Vol 10: Grand Auntie’s Treasure (Bilingual DVD Chinese-English) 大嬸婆與小聰明

Grand Auntie And Smarty Vol 10: Grand Auntie’s Treasure (Bilingual DVD Chinese-English) 大嬸婆與小聰明

ISBN: 9781572271142
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Smarty is trying to find a ball buried by Sam in Grand Auntie’s backyard. Instead, he finds a treasure map that brings back some old memories for Grand Auntie. Is Smarty part of the memory? Is there really treasure and will Grand Auntie be able to share with all? This DVD contains 5 stories. Regionless, can be played on all kinds of DVD players. DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English

This DVD contains 5 stories:
1. 誰是笨蛋 Who is the Fool (Theme: 做事不要偷懶 Never be lazy)
2. 大嬸婆的寶藏(上)Grand Auntie’s Treasure (Part 1) (Theme: 好奇心 Curiosity)
3. 大嬸婆的寶藏(下)Grand Auntie’s Treasure (Part 2) (Theme: 好奇心 Curiosity)
4.小聰明的手型畫 Hand Shape Drawings (Theme: 畫畫的創意 Creative drawings)
5. 小聰明的暗號 Smarty's Secret Signal (Theme: 水蒸氣的原理 The principle of Vapor)

DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English

故事中的「快樂村」,是位於台灣山林間的一個迷人又充滿人情味的小村莊,村莊裡住了一群生性樂觀的人,有一身功夫笑口常開的「大嬸婆」; 有充滿研究精神,長大後立志要當科學家的「小聰明」;有愛幻想又愛唱歌,一心想當新聞主播的小女孩「真真」;有極度樂觀卻永遠吃不飽的「小三子」;再加上憨厚木訥的『鄉土發明大師』阿三哥。

