Renter Shawn insists that the house is haunted. He hires a priest in a hope to drive the demon out from behind the bathroom ceiling drywall. After the house is turned upside down and the priest gets totally scared away himself, Smarty comes to the rescue. The clue is all in the half-closed bathroom window… This DVD contains 5 stories. Regionless, can be played on all kinds of DVD players. DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English
This DVD contains 5 stories:
1. 發出怪聲的廁所疑雲 The Mystery of the Strange Sound (Theme: 氣象知識 Weather knowledge)
2. 蛀蟲入侵的大危機 Bad Teeth Blues (Theme: 牙齒保健 Teeth health protection)
3. 大嬸婆的五毛錢(上)Grand Auntie’s Fifty Cents (Part 1) (Theme: 溫馨勵志 Touching and encourage)
4. 大嬸婆的五毛錢(下)Grand Auntie’s Fifty Cents (Part 2) (Theme: 溫馨勵志 Touching and encourage)
5. 拖地的煩惱 Mopping the Floor (Theme: 創意發明 Creative and Invention )
DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English
孫越、趙寧、蔡詩萍、朱秀娟、姚素蓮校長、陳秀雄博士 熱情推薦