Smarty finds a stag beetle in the backyard and starts to study its ecological information and how to keep it. Curious Sam catches a Hercules beetle and challenges Smarty’s find. A battle between the beetles is about to begin… Sam is thrilled with his good fortune not knowing trouble is lurking around the corner. This DVD contains 5 stories. Regionless, can be played on all kinds of DVD players. DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English
This DVD contains 5 stories:
1. The Spoiled Rice Dumplings (Theme: 環境汙染 Pollution)
2. Almighty Salt (Part 1) (Theme: 鹽巴的用處 Use of the salt)
3. Almighty Salt (Part 2)
4. The Inaudible Sound (Theme: 空氣震動原理 The principle of Air shaking)
5. Hercules Beetle - The King of Beetles (Theme: 昆蟲飼養 Raising insect)
DVD Specification: Dolby Digital, All Zone, 1-Disc, NTSC, 65 minutes, Mandarin/English Bilingual, Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English
故事中的「快樂村」,是位於台灣山林間的一個迷人又充滿人情味的小村莊,村莊裡住了一群生性樂觀的人,有一身功夫笑口常開的「大嬸婆」; 有充滿研究精神,長大後立志要當科學家的「小聰明」;有愛幻想又愛唱歌,一心想當新聞主播的小女孩「真真」;有極度樂觀卻永遠吃不飽的「小三子」;再加上憨厚木訥的『鄉土發明大師』阿三哥。