Story that bring joy and laughter and help children to understand life better. The questions posed at the end of the stories guide the teacher to bring about a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed.
Bilingual (Traditional Chinese & English) with Hanyu Pinyin
Ages 5 and up
英漢(繁體)對照 附漢語拼音
歡樂童年系列是集合眾多知名專家學者傾力編輯的一套優秀兒童讀物, 自出版至今, 一直受到新加坡本土兒童和家長的喜愛。
Book Titles:
A Beautiful Picture 美麗的圖畫
The Lovable Whales 可愛的小鯨魚
Poor Mimi 可憐的咪咪
Beautiful Home 美麗的家
Little Yaya Flies after the Airplane 小鴉鴉追飛機
This is My Home 這是我的家
The Muddle-Headed Caterpillar 糊塗貓
The Lazy Cat 懶惰貓
The Happy Little Train 快樂的小火車
Shoes for Monkey Young 猴小子穿鞋子
We have seen a Dinosaur 我們看到恐龍了
Let's Play Hide-and-Seek 我們玩捉迷藏
Bilingual (Traditional Chinese & English) with Hanyu Pinyin
Ages 5 and up
英漢(繁體)對照 附漢語拼音
歡樂童年系列是集合眾多知名專家學者傾力編輯的一套優秀兒童讀物, 自出版至今, 一直受到新加坡本土兒童和家長的喜愛。
Book Titles:
A Beautiful Picture 美麗的圖畫
The Lovable Whales 可愛的小鯨魚
Poor Mimi 可憐的咪咪
Beautiful Home 美麗的家
Little Yaya Flies after the Airplane 小鴉鴉追飛機
This is My Home 這是我的家
The Muddle-Headed Caterpillar 糊塗貓
The Lazy Cat 懶惰貓
The Happy Little Train 快樂的小火車
Shoes for Monkey Young 猴小子穿鞋子
We have seen a Dinosaur 我們看到恐龍了
Let's Play Hide-and-Seek 我們玩捉迷藏