The Huanying, Volume 3 textbook covers the third full year of study at the secondary school level. The textbook has 6 units that cover topics such as Running for Class President, Grandma and Grandpa, Freedom and Responsibility, Learning to Drive, and International Culture Day. Each unit has Learning Goals, 5 lessons plus one unit review, and a Self-Assessment checklist. Each lesson within the unit has two dialogues or texts, a New Words list, Language Notes that discuss grammar and usage structures through explanation and example, Extend Your Knowledge supplementary vocabulary, A Glimpse into Chinese Culture, and a Do You Know? section that offers additional cultural information. While the core of the textbook is written in simplified characters, the vocabulary is also presented in traditional characters in the main body of the text and in the Chinese-English, English-Chinese, and proper noun indexes at the back of the book. Dialogues are also included in traditional characters in a special index at the end of the textbook, to facilitate dual-character learning. Volume 3 introduces approximately 300 new characters with an additional estimated 215 supplementary vocabulary terms.
Unit 1 新學期 A New Student
1.1 新同学 A New Student
1.2 竞选班长 Running for Class President
1.3 选课 Course Selection
1.4 学生社团 Student Clubs
1.5 开班会 Having a Class Meeting
1.6 第一單元復習 Unit 1 Review
Unit 2 我的家人和親戚 My Family and Relatives
2.1 姥姥和姥爷 Grandma and Grandpa
2.2 独生子女 The Only Child
2.3 大家庭和小家庭 Big Families and Small Families
2.4 跨国家庭 A Multinational Family
2.5 各种各样的家庭 All Types of Families
2.6 第二单元复习 Unit 2 Review
UNIT 3 青少年时代 The Teenage Years
3.1 十点以前必须回家 Must Get Home Before Ten O’Clock
3.2 零花钱 Allowances
3.3 学开车 Learning to Drive
3.4 兼职 A Part-time Job
3.5 自由和责任 Freedom and Responsibility
3.6 第三单元复习 Unit 3 Review
UNIT 4 学校生活 School Life
4.1 运动会 A Sports Meet
4.2 国际文化日 International Culture Day
4.3 校外考察 A Field Trip
4.4 去南京 Going to Nanjing
4.5 家长开放日 Open House Day for Parents
4.6 第四单元复习 Unit 4 Review