In I Am Invited to a Party! Piggie is invited to her first party. She doesn't know what to wear, though, so she asks her best friend Elephant for help. Elephant's advice is odd to say the least, so Piggie will try on all sorts of zany outfits before finally arriving at the party for a hilarious surprise.
Traditional Chinese characters, zhuyin.
小豬寶收到一封派對的邀請函,她迫不及待想參加,可是這是她第一次參加派對,不曉得該穿什麼衣服才好,身為派對專家的大吉決定當小豬寶的造型顧問,到底大吉是真派對專家還是假派對專家?他的意見能不能幫上小豬寶的忙呢?Traditional Chinese characters.