Throughout the workbook, exercises are labeled according to the three modes of communication as explained in ACTFL's Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. Authentic materials in each lesson-signs, forms, posters, menus, and more-build students' skills in interpreting the Chinese language in its native environment. Lively illustrations encourage students to answer questions directly in Chinese without translating from English. Open-ended exercises engage students in the subject matter and ask them to relate the Chinese language to their own lives. A cumulative review unit after every five lessons serves as a periodic progress check
Contents :
Lesson 11: 中國的節日/中国的节日 Chinese FestivalsI.
I. Listening Comprehension
II. Speaking Exercises
III. Reading Comprehension
IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises
Lesson 12: 中國的變化/中国的变化 Changes in China
Lesson 13:旅遊/旅游 Travel
Lesson 14: 生活與健康/生活与健康 Life and Wellness
Lesson 15: 男女平等 Gender Equality
Let’s Review! (Lessons 11–15)
Lesson 16: 環境保護與節約能源/环境保护与节约能源 Environmental Protection and Energy
Lesson 17: 理財與投資/理财与投资 Money Management and Investing
Lesson 18: 中國歷史/中国历史 Chinese HistoryI. Listening Comprehension
Lesson 19: 面試/面试
Lesson 20: 外國人在中國/外国人在中国
Let's Review (Lessons 16-20)