The book is complied by Beijing International Center for Chinese Language according to the standards for K-12 Chinese language teachers and to be used as reference books for “K-12 Chinese language teacher qualification test” in China.
The contents focus on introducing the basic theory, strengthen the foundations of knowledge and allow teacher to comprehend the method of teaching to elevate their overall skills through general analysis and detailed notes of class teaching. This set also provides teaching demo to facilitate teachers on the reality of real-classroom instructing.
第一章 中国符号——汉字
第一节 汉字的起源
第二节 汉字的性质和特点
第三节 汉字规范化
第四节 简化字与繁体字
第二章 造字之法——六书
第一节 象形字
第二节 指事字和会意字
第三节 假借字、形声字和转注字