This textbook series is designed for advance students who can learn Chinese with 14 films from China and Hong Kong. The textbook volume 1 contains 7 lessons and selected film clips of 20 minutes as the learning materials. Each lesson contains the description of the plot, character description, intensive reading lines, after-school discussion, Extensive Practice, extended reading, language practice, and so on. Each volume comes with DVDs for teaching. The DVDs contain the plot and extensive practice with Chinese and English subtitles. Get our Read Magazines Learn Chinese too! 2 DVDs sets are in Mandarin Chinese with English subtitles. Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English.
第一课 和你在一起
第二课 无间道3
第三课 姨妈的后现代生活
第四课 开往春天的地铁
第五课 保持通话
第六课 美人草
第七课 电影往事