Magical Chinese is a delightful series of animations designed to help kids learn about Chinese characters. Fun visual narratives capture children's imaginations and help them recognize the evolution of Chinese characters and their structural patterns.
Volume 2 of the Magical Chinese DVD Series “All About Me” features 18 animated stories to introduce Chinese characters related to human beings. Magical Mouse and Crazy Cat will lead you on a hilarious journey to discover the origin and evolution of Chinese characters with fun and ease. Chinese characters in New Magical Chinese DVD Vol. 1 - Entering China:
1 我 我 I, me
2 手 手 hand
3 足 足 foot
4 耳 耳 ear
5 牙 牙 tooth
6 子 子 son
7 好 好 good, well
8 夹 夾 clamp
9 友 友 friend
10 美 美 beautiful
11 比 比 to compare
12 买 買 to buy
13 笑 笑 to laugh, smile
14 画 畫 to draw
15 走 走 to walk
16 坐 坐 to sit
17 听 聽 to listen
18 学 學 to learn