Magical Tour of China 奇妙中國遊 Vol. 2 Student Textbook

Magical Tour of China 奇妙中國遊 Vol. 2 Student Textbook

ISBN: 9789629781514
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The Magical Tour of China series follows six children growing up overseas who visit Beijing for the first time, learning about festivals, cultural similarities and differences and Chinese etiquette and customs. Featuring 36 units of language learning in four books, CD-ROMs and Workbooks, this is a great way for children to gain advanced knowledge of the Chinese language and culture through materials that remain relevant to their own experiences. The Magical Tour of China series uses the Better Chinese method of Learning Through Stories to make practicing Chinese fun for kids and provide immersion in the language while remaining entertaining to watch.

The series also includes: Volume 1, Volume 3, and Volume 4.

10. Visiting the Palace Museum (1) 游故宫 (上)
11. Visiting the Palace Museum (2) 游故宫 (下)
12. Climbing the Great Wall 爬长城
13. Visiting the Wang's Home 去小龙的爷爷家做客
14. No Colored Eggs on Easter (1) 没有彩蛋的复活节(上)
15. No Colored Eggs on Easter (2) 没有彩蛋的复活节(下)
16. Magic Chinese Characters (1) 汉字真奇妙(上)
17. Magic Chinese Characters (2) 汉字真奇妙(中)
18. Magic Chinese Characters (3) 汉字真奇妙(下)

Magical Tour of China, Volume 2:
Textbook Workbook Online Subscription CD-ROM MP3

Volume 2 material for teaching and additional exercises:
Teachers Guide Worksheets & Writing Exercises Assessment Pack

For homeschooling use: Volume 2 Student Pack Volume 2 Teacher Pack