Magical Tour of China 奇妙中國遊 Vol. 3 Student Workbook

Magical Tour of China 奇妙中國遊 Vol. 3 Student Workbook

ISBN: 9789629781682
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The Magical Tour of China series contains a set of workbook specifically designed for intermediate-advanced level students, grades 6 through 12, preparing students for the AP exam. The workbook features grammar and vocabulary exercises, additional readings, and games to build upon the corresponding lessons in the textbook. The extended activities focus on cultural information and idioms, promoting cultural connections and comparisons. There are also reading discussions, comprehension exercises, and essay writing exercises to challenges students' grasps on advanced Chinese learning.

The series also includes: Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 4.

19. Is He Speaking Chinese? 他在说中文吗?
20. Ruby's New Doll Ruby 的新娃娃
21. Shopping in Silk Alley 逛秀水街
22. Beijing's Spaghetti: Fried Sauce Noodles 中国的 spaghetti:北京炸酱面
23. We're Going to See Peking Opera (1) 我们一起去听京剧(上)
24. We're Going to See Peking Opera (2) 我们一起去听京剧(下)
25. Chinese Rap 中国的Rap
26. Basketball Match 篮球赛
27. Chinese Names and English Names 中文名与英文名