Sleeping Moles午睡的鼹鼠-笑眯眯少儿汉语绘本读物

Sleeping Moles午睡的鼹鼠-笑眯眯少儿汉语绘本读物

ISBN: 9787040353259
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Smiling Chinese readers for Children is especially for the kids whose age between 3 and 6 years old, which is full of humorous stories. The series introduced imaginative pictures and interactive activities to let the children discover the world around at the mean time of learning language. Children will learn how to get in touch with the nature since they’re young, and they’ll find the meaning of braveness, self-confidence, happiness and love they’re reading.
“Sleeping moles” tells a story that there are many cute animals living in a small beautiful forest, and a family of moles lives there as well. One day, it’s the time to take a tap, but the baby mole can’t fall asleep in between of his parent. He tries to listen the sounds from the nature and he hears lots of interesting sounds as well as some scaring sounds. Where do these sounds come from and what happens in this small forest? Children will learn how to get in touch with the nature since they’re young, and they’ll find the meaning of braveness, self-confidence, happiness and love hen they’re reading.
“Sleeping moles” tells a story that there are many cute animals living in a small beautiful forest, and a family of moles lives there as well. One day, it’s the time to take a tap, but the baby mole can’t fall asleep in between of his parent. He tries to listen the sounds from the nature and he hears lots of interesting sounds as well as some scaring sounds. Where do these sounds come from and what happens in this small forest?
