This series is designed for children and a set of popular science book, through beautiful illustrations and simple language, easy to understand, to introduce young readers interesting space knowledge, the book has three sections:
"Little scientific experiments": The fun little game or a small experiment, let the children learn more about the contents of the book.
"Space Words": help children master the basic vocabulary concepts.
"Know More": let the children learn more knowledge of the subject. Traditional Chinese characters
table of Contents:
Long long time ago 很久很久之前
Christmas green Earth 地球的聖誕生
Organisms appear 生物的出現
Dinosaurs became extinct 恐龍絕種了
Earth's protective layer - the atmosphere 地球的保護層 – 大氣層
Earth's climate varies throughout 地球各處氣候不一
Extreme weather survival of the fittest 極端氣候 適者生存
Blue Planet 藍色星球
Meteor shower 流星雨
Together with the observation of the sky 一起觀察天空
Satellite 人造衛星
The first space travel 首次太空旅行
Live on spacecraft 在太空船上生活