Starry Communications Limited humans and animals began to live together on earth . when there is nothing different from each other . Then there is a little baby polar bear was secretly taken away from the mother bear . a hunter found the child . he and his wife used to make clothes for the children sealskin . singing to him . he will grow up ... dependents . One day . the child lost in the snow . a polar bear found him. and took him back to the mother bear side. but in the meantime . the hunter father was killed by a bear that child . vowing to kill polar bears for kids revenge ... . In the icy Arctic scene for the story . Traditional Chinese characters, English, Zhuyin.
1. 神秘、美麗又動人的故事,提醒讀者人類是野生動物的照顧者,我們的各種舉動深深影響著動物們的未來。
2. 以北極為背景,細膩傳神的水彩插圖,美得令人讚嘆!
3. 中英對照附雙語CD,讓孩子聽故事也能學英文。