The Illustrate Shakespeare Series12 books 莎士比亞全集

The Illustrate Shakespeare Series12 books 莎士比亞全集

ISBN: 9789579306812
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Based on the rearrangement of text by Charles and Mary Lamb, Twelve timeless plays from the world's best storyteller were selected for children to appreciate and enjoy. Accompanied by meticulously conceived and executed illustrations, the action Shakespeare originally envisioned seamlessly flows with the magical landscape of each story.
Traditional Chinese characters.

莎士比亞是世界上最偉大的說故事的人, 他所留下的37個劇作囊括了喜劇,悲劇,歷史劇,冒險劇,愛情故事與童話, 從文學的每一道門登堂入室,本本都有其特色和偉大的容耀。 四百年來, 這些故事在全世界各地一再的上演, 受歡迎的程度至今沒有一位作家能超越。

仲夏夜之夢 A Midsummer Night‘s Dream
馴悍記 The Taming of the Shrew
李爾王 King Lear
馬克白 Macbeth
無事生非 Much Ado About Nothing
哈姆雷特 Hamlet
錯中錯 The Comedy of Errors
暴風雨 Tempest
奧塞羅 Othello, The Moor of Venice
冬天的故事 The Winter's Tale
羅密歐與茱麗葉 Romeo and Juliet
威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice