This series is designed for children and a set of popular science book, through beautiful illustrations and simple language, easy to understand, to introduce young readers interesting space knowledge, the book has three sections:
"Little scientific experiments": The fun little game or a small experiment, let the children learn more about the contents of the book.
"Space Words": help children master the basic vocabulary concepts.
"Know More": let the children learn more knowledge of the subject.
Traditional Chinese characters.
為什麼會有白天黑夜? 什麼是「太陽系」?
晴朗的一天 Sunny day
巨大的熔爐 Huge melting pot
孕育生命的光源 Bred source of life
看不見的陽光 Invisible Sun
巨大的球體 Huge sphere
火燄之海 Sea of Fire
漫長的旅程 Long journey
火速穿梭宇宙 Rushed shuttle universe
太陽系的八大行星 Eight planets of the solar system
遠方的太陽門 Distant Puerta
小行星 Asteroids
彗星 Comet
彗星的尾巴 Comet's tail