We Play Together(Level 3- 10 Books) 大家一起玩《全套10冊》

We Play Together(Level 3- 10 Books) 大家一起玩《全套10冊》

ISBN: 9789862433645
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Aimed at young children learning to read Chinese, these readers are written with the belief that it is key to incorporate children’s daily life experiences into the learning process. Fun, delightful stories, cheerful pictures and easy-to-read text are used to help them understand the development of the stories, thus enhancing reasoning and observation skills and stimulating their interests in reading Chinese. Traditional Chinese characters.


Book Titles:

Work Out《做運動》你喜歡運動嗎?動物們也各自有自己喜歡的運動喔!想想看,會有哪些運動呢?

Please Be Quiet《請輕聲點》天黑了,大家都要準備睡覺了,但是到底是哪裡還發出聲音呢?噓,請輕聲點。

Spring is Here《春天來了》寒冷的冬天過去了,春天緊接著就要來了喔!想想看,春天裡的花園有什麼不一樣的地方呢?

Too Hot《天氣太熱了》山羊伯伯要搬家了,小動物們都來幫忙。但是,今天怎麼這麼熱呀!

Tree is Sick《樹伯伯生病了》哎呀~樹伯伯怎麼生病了!小白兔要怎麼來幫助樹伯伯呢?


Dad is Home《爸爸回家了》爸爸回家了,但是家裡怎麼亂七八糟的呢?難道這是小熊們歡迎爸爸回家的方式嗎?

Kangaroo Mom's《袋鼠媽媽的袋子》雞媽媽的東西掉了一地,袋鼠媽媽趕緊來幫她,但袋鼠媽媽要如何幫雞媽媽呢?

We Play together《大家一起玩》哇!跟朋友們一起玩是最開心的時間,而你平常和朋友們在一起玩時,會玩什麼遊戲呢?

What for Drink《你要喝什麼?》大家來到青蛙家做客,青蛙要拿什麼飲料來招待動物朋友呢?