Wildcats in bark bread factory boss, the serious look baker making bread, bread original discovery is accomplished, what good is simple! So the Wildcats took advantage of a break at a bread factory, middle of the night to sneak into the factory, intend to bake bread. Who knows looks simple, in fact, is not simple, they see according to the appearance, add a little east and west knead it, and then the big dough fermented in the oven, I did not expect ...... wow! Even bake a super invincible big bread oven plant also does not! Even whole bread factories explode. Traditional Chinese characters.
野貓們在汪汪老闆的麵包工廠外,認真的看麵包師傅做麵包,發現麵包原來是這樣完成的,好簡單哪!於是野貓們趁著麵包工廠休息時,半夜偷跑進工廠,打算自己烤麵包。誰知道看起來簡單,其實一點也不簡單,他們照著看到的模樣,東加一點,西揉一下,再把發酵後的大麵糰放進烤箱裡,沒想到……哇!竟然烤出一個超級無敵大的麵包,還把工廠的烤箱,不!連整座麵包工廠都撐爆了。 這下子,闖禍的野貓們除了不斷道歉補救外,還有重建的活兒要進行呢!